Web 2.0 freewares 2
mars 12, 2010Free Video Editor | Download VideoThang Easy Video Editing Software

Free Video Editor | Download VideoThang Easy Video Editing Software
The best choice for those who want to have quick and easy-to-use home program with essential features. (License: Freeware| Requires: Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | Size: 4.85 MB)
Free Disc Burner
Free Disc Burner writes any files, folders (data) to any disk as well as writes multi session disks. (License: Freeware| Requires: Win7/Vista/XP | Size: 6.74 MB)
GSplit Free Download–Divide Large Files Into Smaller Self-Uniting Pieces (IndyGizmo Dot Com)
Just few hours ago I found a cool freeware named GSplit file splitter. So what is this? As I wrote in the titles, GSplit can divide a large file into pieces, any type of files! Perhaps it sounds similar with HJSpit file joiner and Splitter but after I ...
Up- & Download / FTP :: RE: Tunnelier 4.32 - SSH und SFTP Client
Autor: Benk Verfasst am: 11.03.10, 23:15 (GMT 0) Wo lest Ihr denn was von Freeware? ich find da nix, was unter 44 Euro ist. ..
Update - Freeware - Tweak Me! v1.0.4
Tweak Me! contains a collection of more than 100 system tweaks that allow you to easily change hard-to-find system settings for Windows and Internet Explorer. The tweaks are organized into categories....
Skype (winAddons.com)
MD5: 84283F6F50DB069B9F75AEB017F66CD1 Information: website Size: 16.70 MB MediaFire: Download License: Freeware Skype is a free download that lets you use your computer to make telephone calls. Calls from one Skype user to another are free, wherever th...
Voxengo SPAN 2.0 - Free FFT Spectrum Analyser (KoreAudio)
Voxengo SPAN 2.0 is now available for download (Mac & PC). Read on to find out more... Voxengo Span 2.0 is a freeware real-time FFT audio spectrum analyser plug-in for music and audio production applications. The following features were added in SPAN 2...
Dr. Freeware System Utilities 006 (Windows Fanatics)
Dr. Freeware System Utilities includes data recovery software, data backup, and password reset tools for Windows, helping you to maintain your system. True to its name, Dr. Freeware is freeware that you can download and use for free. [Discovered via Ma...
VirtualBox’s Seamless Mode: Combine Two Operating Systems Into One Desktop (MakeUseOf.com)
Installing two operating systems at the same time isn’t just possible; it can also be downright slick. Whether you’re a Mac user looking to occasionally use a given Windows application or someone looking for a risk-free way to try out different Linux v...
Foxit Reader Foxit Software - 6.60MB (Freeware) (TechFuels Forum)
Foxit Reader is free PDF document viewer, with little size, breezing quick launch speed and rich feature set. Its core function is well-suited with...Source : TechFuels Forum (subscribe)
Auslogics Disk Defrag Auslogics Software Pty Ltd - 2.23MB (Freeware) (TechFuels Forum)
... intended for fast defragmentation of modern hard disks. Characteristics: • Defrag and optimize • Free space consolidation • System files smart placement • Maintaining MFT reserved zone clear • One file or folder defragmentation • List of fragmented...
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.80 24.42MB (Freeware) (TechFuels Forum)
K-Lite Codec Pack is gathering of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are required for encoding and decoding...Source : TechFuels Forum (subscribe)
Telecharger Comodo Internet Security 4 Freeware, Best Antivirus Plus Firewall Protection (Geckoandfly.com)
Almost every free security software are standalone antivirus without firewall protection, this includes the all time famous AVG and Avira. Comodo Internet Security 4 (free) is probably the first internet seucirty suite where both the antivirus and fire...
Dr.Freeware System Utilities 006
Dr.Freeware System Utilities 006 [ 304 MB | Freeware | Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7] System Utilities which includes data recovery software, data backup, password reset tools. Dr.Freeware is a freeware,…
Telecharger Comodo Internet Security 4 Freeware, Best Antivirus Plus Firewall Protection
Almost every free security software are standalone antivirus without firewall protection, this includes the all time famous AVG and Avira. Comodo Internet Security 4 (free) is probably the first inter…
7 Quick Fix 1.0 (Technibble)
7 Quick Fix is a small, freeware and portable tool designed to quickly fix common errors that may occur under Windows 7 and is able to re-enable certain parts of the system (such as Task Manager) after a virus attack. 7 Quick Fix can fix 21 common erro...
7 Quick Fix 1.0 – Repair Tool of the Week (Technibble)
7 Quick Fix is a small, freeware and portable tool designed to quickly fix common errors that may occur under Windows 7 and is able to re-enable certain parts of the system (such as Task Manager) after a virus attack. 7 Quick Fix can fix 21 common erro...
InBox2 – cool hybrid freeware and online service gives you back control of your email (The Red Ferret Journal)
There’s no doubt that people are feeling overwhelmed by the deluge of digital communication hitting their eyes and inboxes, but I [...] 340 words | permalink | No comments | digg thisSource : The Red Ferret Journal (subscribe)Explore : Gadgets and Des...
Poynt for iPhone is a mixed bag (The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Filed under: Freeware , iPhone , iPod touch , App Review Poynt has come to the iPhone, after having been a very popular free app on BlackBerry phones. Poynt provides local searches of individuals and businesses. It also shares a database with Open Tabl...
Defrag your Windows PC For Free with Defraggler (Dragon Blogger)
Piriform's Defraggler program is a decent piece of freeware that does a good job and is very fast. It also allows you to schedule your defrag jobs. Related posts: Windows 7: Snipping Tool Windows 7 has a nifty application default in the OS... Is Your S...
Icon software aids desktop makeovers (Macworld)
If you want unique icons for your desktop or for social networking, you can create your own by hand, as we showed in part one of this series. Today, in part two, Chris McVeigh shows you some freeware and shareware apps you can use to help with the proc...
Online Gaming Mode and Ultimate Version announced for Cricket Heroes (Daily games news)
Codegen Studios announces Online Gaming Mode for Cricket Heroes. This online mode will allow users to play a match against a real opponent. Online Gaming Mode will be available in the paid version of the game that is, Ultimate Version. The Ultimate Ver...
links for 2010-03-11
2) General purpose backup utility to save changes in work directories (tags: portable freeware sync)...It's freeware and without any spyware or adware....Kiwi can inform you of certain events and take defined steps so you can automate almost everythin...
Windows Live Messenger 2009 (14.0.8089)
Windows Live Messenger 2009 (14. 0. 8089) Microsoft Corporation – 1. 09MB (Freeware)...
Trillian Astra
Trillian Astra 4. 1. 0. 24 Cerulean Studios – 15. 30MB (Freeware) Trillian is a fully
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